Mittwoch, 14. März 2007

Kino: (Zack Snyder's) 300

This sounds according to a lot of fun: About 300 toughened Spartaner walk one, around himself man strong Persian to supply army to the sea ten thousand. This could powerfully maltreat impression at least in the comic strip small series of Frank Miller who has appeared in this country at the end of the nineties. Although the Graphic Novel author already meant it with his archaic hero figures, glory and honor passwords and clearly defined good bad schemes a little too well in the presentation. Such Lakonie transzendieren nevertheless gets in a multilayered cinema experience, though, Robert Rodriguez pointed with his adaption of the Miller comic strip "Sin city center" staged thick where odd machos and full-bosomed striptease dancers gave themselves a self ironic rendezvous as one.

In "300" it is under leadership king Leonidas ' (Gerard Butler) however of all about not lessly -- though also not much more -- as this one from viewless, for the further Greek war history however substantial fight for a Spartan minority (Rodrigo Santoro) Xerxes I commanded superior strength the Persian. Before Christ, has rather so similarly so or well 480 happened with the Thermopylen actually, this, however, forms only the very rough basis for a motley war show. Director the ball Snyder already therefore appeared furiously outraged at the press at the international film festivals in Berlin where the film celebrated his world debut, his comic strip adaption would become intellektualisiert unnecessarily.

The man would feel primary is namely very simple around what. It is slaughtered properly either. Or just really fucked beautifully (best of course both). And see there the Snyder fan also completely comes at his expense into "300": Beautiful women with hard tits, full bearded muscle men in tight panties and one particularly high measure of red soup may be expected. The director has himself by the way by his reinterpretation of George A. Romeros for "Dawn of The Dead" with whom yuppies and middle classes big wheels delivered a cynical banal action hunt to himself with unchecked limited saturation device zombies now recommended for the job, the remake for ADS ill MTV kids was loudly and fast and quite specially announced heavily. Therefore taking notes to this at once: Snyder's Punch and Judy show goes into the second round.

Because the laddie hasn't learned much. "300" is just as boringly as staged also infantilely. Although many a fight choreographed imaginatively pleases, if the Ge-schwindigkeit reduces respectively or is increased (particularly original: for the change there is a little Bullet time Gedöns) again but altogether the film turns out visually conventional despite oversaturated sepia colors and has comic strip like overdrawings missed. One doesn't therefore seldom feel reminded to "Troja" what is strengthened by the hideously nerve-racking Ethno soundtrack of Tyler Bates still by "gladiator" to the CGI impregnated epic poems: When has Hans Zimmer-Klagegesänge only finally an end?

But all the more the film surprises in other regard. A breath of gentle Melodramatik runs through his pictures: 300 men are in the sunny field shortly before her departure in a relentless battle. The women are adopted lovingly, the old men convey prophetic wisdoms. The steel fighters then go away and may be whole under themselves once to amuse himself with her long pointed spears. What follows is ramming lei unparalleledly an orgiastic one, no Gayporno so so colorfully was allowed to look polished, majestic and effective till now yet. And with about 60 million U.S. dollars this oily randy man show is put also extremely generously into scene: Schwulitäten in this digital-baking plumb line method which doesn't give to see it all days!

Understandable, that the involuntary is Coming outly much difficult for the film. Therefore "300" encounter Homophobie his sublimed sexuality quite offensively more obstinately. Namely warriors seem dissimilarly the Persian less masculine than her Spartan opponents. Either they are labeled in the reason by mutilations and hindrances or else by excessive sissy features: The enemy is black, barbarously uncivilizedly. And he carries piercings, chains and rag. Unintentional or not: "300" also describes the war of the west with his fight of the Spartan against the Persian army toward the overdue east to put the foundation stones for the future Athenian democracy. As a political comment Snyder's film reads himself independently each intendierten position or not position very simply much reactionary. And, if this jumping jack will try himself to the legendary "Watchmen" soon, then all doubts are more than justifiable.

Fazit: Nun nach dieser Kritik sollte der Film 1von10 Punkten bekommen bzw. 10% mehr is da nicht drin, gewollt oder ungewollt kommt der patriotismus der Amys wieder mal raus un das geht mir tierisch aufn Keks. Ansonsten hat der Film auch seine lustigen seiten, andere würden sagen er ist brutal, aber das ist so mit der Farbemittelstil sterelisiert worden durch die braun Töne, das man eigentlich nur drüber lachen kann.

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